

I was quite dissappointed in Stephanie's blog post on her weaning off pain medication.  She couldn't just be real without shamelessly promoting a product. But I'm not really surprised.



What do you think of Mr. Nielson's involvement with the child trafficking rescue team?  Do you think NieNie's portrayal on IG is accurate?


If there had been no crash...

I often wonder where Stephanie would be if there never was a plane crash. I still see her in Mesa with at least 3-4 more children, a semi-popular Mormon Mommy blog, and a pretty uneventful life. 

Do you think she would be happy with that life or do you think that even though she went through the unimaginable, she likes the attention and being in the limelight?


{Fox Hill}

So now that Nie has "her" precious Fox Hill almost finished, how long until she starts complaining about how hard her life is?


Public Record

The internet is an amazing thing. It allows PUBLIC information to be PUBLIC.

Here is the NTSB Probable Cause Synposis on the plane crash.
      " The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be:
The failure of both pilots to abort the takeoff when a suitable climb rate could not be attained. Contributing to the accident was the reduction of available power due to the camshaft lobe and lifter corrosion/wear, the high density altitude, and the CFI’s inadequate supervision."

Here is the NTSB Factual Report.

Here is the NTSB Brief of Accident.