

I was quite dissappointed in Stephanie's blog post on her weaning off pain medication.  She couldn't just be real without shamelessly promoting a product. But I'm not really surprised.


  1. I feel so sorry for a person who takes such time and effort to tear down someone else in this manner. And who will not reveal anything about who she is and her life. There is a saying, "but for the grace of God go I." It basically boils down to thanking God that we don't have the same struggles as another person. I think many people see the bitterness in your posts and that's why they choose not too follow this blog. I (and I'm sure Stephanie and her family) will pray for you. I can't imagine what has happened in your life to have you create a blog like this. Again "but for the grace of God go I." I encourage you to take down this blog or stop posting...for your own happiness I hope you find come other positive outlets. We all have people in our lives that "bug us" or we don't agree with their actions. Finding a way to understand rather than attack is the better choice.

  2. Impressive how people think they can tell us how we should live our lives or try to convince us that they know we are not happy because we don't choose to be the way they are.
    All I read in Michelle's comment is arrogance disguised as caring. I know lots of dangerous people like this. It's dangerous not to let people think and express whatever they want to even if they don't agree with you. You don't dictate the universe's rules. The fact that people don't follow this blog doesn't mean it isn't read and agreed as well as being a burn victim does not isent one of being an ass and criticized for being it.
    And I couldn't care less not to write my own name here so don't think this thread would work on me. I'm just writing so these self-righteous kind of people KNOW more than one person thinks differently than they do and IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM.

  3. Yes agreed! How much money did she receive to claim she weaned herself off drugs using that energy drink??

  4. I'm waiting to hear your thoughts on her new pregnancy. :-)

    1. life started getting too boring I guess...

    2. I honestly think she needs to appreciate the ones she has and give them more time and attention. But, then again, I don't have children yet and everyone's life is different. So we shall see how this plays out. I honestly pray for a healthy pregnancy. The last thing her older kids need is to have something else happen to their mother.

  5. I just find it ironic that her blog is called "dialogues" yet there is no dialogue at all -just her posting for people to read. Drives me crazy that it still exists - all of her professional photos of oh-so-perfect life.

  6. I am confused as to why her number one fan (I don't think there are any other blogs dedicated to recaping nienie dialogues) would speak so negative of her?
    You must think night and day of her. Why?

  7. I find it sad that this blog exists. Everyone has their right to free speech and their own opinion. I would be more interested in reading something you are interesting in or maybe learning about something you are good at. Not to read criticizing comments out someone else's blog. I find that Stephanie's story makes me take a moment and feel grateful for my life, family and the fact that I still have freckles on my skin. Even though I don't enjoy all of her posts, her way of life and my personality and wardrobe wouldn't mesh with hers, that is all up to her. And everyone needs to find a way to make money, lucky for her she has figured out a way to do that as the same time as doing something she loves. If only I could earn an income that way! Good luck to you!

  8. Nienie often sounds like a bitter old grandma.

  9. All these people who come on here to criticize you about having this blog.... yet why are they on here? How did they get here? What did they put in google to get to this website? Why waste their time on here and read your blog if they think its so horrible. The mind boggles...
