
{Fox Hill}

So now that Nie has "her" precious Fox Hill almost finished, how long until she starts complaining about how hard her life is?


  1. Wouldn't that mean she ever stopped complaining about her life? She lives to complain. Every post is a complaint wrapped in fluff (and sometimes all that is wrapped in non-disclosed sponsored crap). Even today, kid finishes science project, YAY, but woe, woe, living in hotel, woe, woe, wouldn't have happened if the teacher wasn't understanding. I assume the deadline and other things were changed for poor, poor hotel-living nie. Way to teach a kid about responsibility.

  2. She'll start complaining about how BIG it is and how much WORK it is and now there's just so many more rooms for the kids to leave their STUFF in 3...2..1..

    Too bad that fox has bee displaced, but hey! At least she named her McMansion after him!

    Also, where do they get their money? Sailboats, flying lessons, McMansions, Anthropologie EVERYTHING. Does her blog really pay that well??

    1. Between the blog income, speaking engagement fees, income from book sales, I'm pretty sure they aren't hurting for money. Oh, and don't forget Beacon Beneficial. Mr. Nielson provides, you know.

  3. Either that or she'll start whining again about how sick she is.

  4. Really? Why on earth does this blog exist? WHY JUDGE HER? ALL of you have no IDEA what she has gone through...so stop it.

    1. actually I do.im a burn survivor as well I burned over 50% of my body.heres the difference I didn't complain the way she did I had 0 family support unlike her who had them at her beck and call then bought her a house near them so she could be closer to them to take care of her!seriously some people live very sheltered pampered lives and when something bad happens they feel the need to write a book feeling sorry for themselves and by the way her detailed memories are all bullshit!when your body goes through something tramatic you block it out not to mention the hard core pain killlers they pump you up with.she doesn't know what it means to have a rough life!

    2. You sound bitter. Bitter maybe because of the difference in what she had/has that you felt you didn't within the same circumstances? Jealousy maybe? I dunno... but seems like it. I know what it sounds like because I'm both bitter and jealous. Sucks to be us. Difference is I tend to keep it inside... except for right now. This whole post is just cuz you don't know me and I don't know you. Just safe cowardly anonymity calling it like she sees it... Like you did right?!

  5. Shame on you! I pray you never have to endure one tenth of what this woman has had to endure. Grow up and show some grace!!!

  6. Actually, all of you her follow her religiously and consider her some type of saint should grow up. Stephanie has used this accident to get rich off all you idiots who donated to her cause. You all are the ones who helped pay for FoxHoe and all that she has and she has shown absolutely no thanks. She's one of the most selfish, self-centered people I've come across. She and her Manly Man, who I personally think isn't quite right, have raised five ill-behaved brats. Of course, I guess the kids can't be blamed for their bad behavior when they have Stephanie for a mother. No, I don't feel sorry for Stephanie; the ones I feel sorry for are those who aren't smart enough to see her for what she really is.

    1. Agreed. Her accident and recovery were interesting to read and I do give her much credit for her strength in recovery. But, now her blog is nothing more than showing off her abundant wealth; it's so "look at me" it has taken away from the beauty I once saw in her family. Her readers are obsessed with her stuff, "Love you sheets." "Love your couch." "Where did you get your cereal bowls?" Gag. Give me a break - I would find it annoying to actually get a million emails a day telling me I am gorgeous and the most perfect wife and mother on the planet. She is more self obsessed than an celebrity with all the professional photography capturing normal life. She's selfish, nasty to others except her worshippers and completely self absorbed. Get over yourself, Nie.

    2. Wait, do you guys know her personally? I don't understand these kind of attacks on someone you don't know (but are obviously obsessed with...hence, still reading her blog).

    3. This blog is so heartless. I don't religiously read nie, but I do admire her. In response to the comment above: she had her blog before, and she used it as an outlet to connect to other people. She's always had great style and a fabulous personality from what I've read. Even back then she had a world-wide following (which pretty much nulls your statement). What she went through would leave a lot of people chronically depressed, and overwhelmed, among other things. She has risen, and will continue to choose to rise above what happened to her. Her wealth and life may have turned out the same (I read her book and her husband had a very promising job before he left it to move Nie back home). She just has to live it with scars and pain now, and a lot more work on her part.
      And who cares if she gets stuff for what she's gone through. It's a reflection of generous hearts wanting to help her- to show her she's not alone and that people care for her. Plus it's a common thing for bloggers. I have a friend who's a fashion blogger and she gets sent an insane amount of stuff. It just goes with the territory. Would you send free stuff back? And if she does call someone out it's helping hard-working business owners out, who took the initiative to send it to her in the first place.There are worse things people could do.
      As far as "compaining": She's a burn victim and has chronic pain-if you've ever experienced it, or known someone who has, you would know it's such a crippling thing. And it's not a bad thing to tell other people you're struggling or hurting. Healthy people usually do because they need support from those who love them to overcome it. Her book and blog (again from what I've read) comes from an extraordinary healthy place.
      Anyway, this probably won't make a difference to haters, which is what the followers of this blog are. Sad, lacking, unfulfilled, bitter, probably lonely haters. And whoever created it.... you need to see a therapist. Creating a hate blog is a big red flag that you need some help.

    4. agreed I am a burn survivor.i burned 50% of my body I am a single mother of 3 and not one member of my family even came to visit me in the hospital so yes I have every right to judge.she is a spoiled brat and yes she seems very ungrateful.her family took care of her like a baby.i cant even pay my rent because I can no longer work but nobody gave me a cent.shes disgudtinging to me and as an lds person myself she gives us a bad name

    5. Hey 50% lady... This is bitter and jealous lady... Why didn't you start a blog?? Whats wrong with your family that they didn't visit you in the hospital? You sound like my two year old who gets angry when he doesn't get his way... Huge pouty face, slaps whoever gets too close, throws the nearest thing at the nearest person, kicks the next nearest thing, runs to his room, slams the door loud, comes back out and throws some more so we know he's​ mad (in case we missed out on the message).... And then.... You go and give him a hug and WOW.... Melts into a puddle of tears. All full of just sadness manifesting itself in attacking rage. You should find someone to hug you.... Hug you and your poor burnt body and soul... I would if I knew you.... You need a hug..

    6. You sound like a petulant child complaining about a women you are obviously jealous of. Get a grip! Let her live her life and you should do the same, without all the contempt. So gross!

  7. I've been through some pretty shitty shit in my life. Ain't nobody given me hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on latte bowls.

  8. You do not pay property taxes in Utah until your home is finished.

  9. I can't wait to see the finished Fox Hill. I wonder if there's a new reality show in the making. Anyone agree?

  10. reality show? sure; Stephanie and Muscle Man would do anything for money.

  11. Wow, if I hadn't actually found this blog and read it for myself, I wouldn't have believed that people could be this cruel. I'm not a regular reader of hers (I did read it a lot after the accident) but the comments on here are inane! I truly think that you all have some serious mental problems. I pray that you never have to go through anything close to what they have and if you do, that people treat you with a kinder heart than you have shown them. I will make sure to never click on this awful site.

    1. agree....tremendous envy I guess. If you are this jealous...run through fire, write a blog, and get rich.... Or here's an idea...don't read the blog. Find another you like. I came across this accidently today and cannot believe the level of hatred and jealousy. Is this supposed to be in fun? I live in a tiny old home, work 80 hours per week, and don't feel a bit of jealousy of her life....she has found the beauty in the midst of a lot of pain and suffering. Be kind people....

    2. no its honesty.i am a burn survivor and nobody gave me anything and I unlike her struggle.im a single mother of 3 with 0 family support.she used her tragedy to get money.sad...

    3. Her choice of income allows her and her family to live a peaceful happy life.. sorry that you didn't have the family support or all the money. Maybe you should write a book. And open up your story so people can come in around you and support
      you! Don't be mad at her because she made something terrible into something that helps her family survive and be happy. Find the good in your own story and learn to see all the good things in your life. Then you won't feel so intent on pushing her down to make yourself feel better. .. it's not the way to go. And it won't actually make you feel better long run.

  12. Well I personally am thrilled to have found this blog......only hope you post more often!

    1. I am trying to post more. But I actually have a very busy job and life; which I'm sure some of Nie's fan girls think otherwise.

  13. I'm thrilled to find this blog as well! I am not a Mormon and stumbled across Stephanie's blog by accident. At first I was really taken with the strength it must have taken her to overcome the accident and the impact it would have had on her life. Then I began to realise that she is not a very nice person. She is bigoted, obsessed with the way people and things look and incredibly degrading to minorities or anyone who doesn't share her opinions. I find it incredible that with the unique perspective that she must have on people judging others by their looks or clothing she is still so superficial. She is not a good ambassador for her faith and she should not be promoted as one.

    1. How can she possibly be judging people by their looks now?

      Are you sure?

  14. Lol you all sound like a bunch of haters!! Seriously who has time to sit down and talk down on someone else? Every blessing that has came her way she deserves it!! All you haters need to get a life!

  15. I check her blog sometimes and appreciate good, professional pictures or nice clothes. She knows how to 'sell' her blog and good for her!

  16. Wow, I came across this blog by accident, and I cannot believe that someone actually took the time to create a blog dedicated to cruelty to another person, and that other people actually read it?!! This is insane...the only thing I see here is jealousy, and tons of it! Stephanie has risen from unimaginable experiences, and shares glimpses into her life. No, she is not perfect, who is? But seriously, if you all can't stand looking at the blessings that have come her way, because you're so insanely jealous that you don't have the same, then why on earth are you even following her? I know I risk monotony here, but I truly believe you all need some serious therapy!

  17. I hate that I still sometimes look at her blog - fine, show off your pool and house and kids night swimming but dammit, shut the hell up about skinny dipping with your husband - way too much info - your readers may be poor compared to you but sex is free and we all have it. Gross you self centered ego-maniac.

  18. I think I can't read one more thing written by such unkind people! Nothing she does, is or has changes your life one bit! Disconnect, look in the mirror at yourself & ask....do I like the mean hearted, jealous person I have become??? Then direct that self righteous criticism your way & improve your life, yourself. No matter what vicious comment you post about another it changes nothing! Direct some effort to the only person you can change....YOU! You might wake up one morning & be happy! LIFE IS GOOD....look around for that.....do it for you & the people who are around you! The results might amaze you!!!

  19. Jealous, much? Such bitterness - I'm sorry I clicked on this link.

  20. What makes you believe that because people do not care for Stephanie and Christian that they are jealous? Jealous of what? No thanks; I'll take my life any day. Stephanie Nielson is not a nice person. She is not a good mother who puts her children and their safety first. Look at any photo of Christian and you see blank in his eyes. Sadly, he knows he is stuck with her. Stephanie is not a beautiful woman inside, which is what really matters. She is one of the biggest hypocrites there is.

  21. Wow. What a sad person you are. I can't believe this blog exists. Do yourself (and the rest of us) a favor and do something better with your life and time. This is nothing but crude. And all you others following it- GET A LIFE! I didn't mean to click on this blog, and this is the last time I'm looking at it. You're nothing but a sad, jealous person. Even though you don't admit it.

  22. Amen to the last comment! I hate to say it, but I'm really embarrassed for the creator of this blog. Do you even know how immature you sound? Sorry....someone had to say it. Get a life girl. It would do you some good.

  23. Disgusting Check your selves.

  24. To the author: You should write posts regularly. Stephanie is a narcissistic hedonist and deserves all the criticism she gets. There is a reason there are SO many people over at GOMI
