It's interesting that you're pointing this out. She actually had to take down the comment option on her blog because trolls like you going on there spewing their hate. I have a hunch that you were probably one of them. If you think you are so awesome, then how about you write a blog about your life and let us all pick you apart. I doubt you would ever do that though. You would much rather hide behind this blog and tear someone down to make you relevant. A large indicator that you are nothing but a mean, coward, punk, is you don't post any pictures of yourself on your blog, you don't tell us your name, no details about your life, nothing. You. Are. A. Coward. That is what people learn when they come to this blog. I really hope you find your way to a good therapist. I think it would help you.
It's interesting that you're pointing this out. She actually had to take down the comment option on her blog because trolls like you going on there spewing their hate. I have a hunch that you were probably one of them. If you think you are so awesome, then how about you write a blog about your life and let us all pick you apart. I doubt you would ever do that though. You would much rather hide behind this blog and tear someone down to make you relevant. A large indicator that you are nothing but a mean, coward, punk, is you don't post any pictures of yourself on your blog, you don't tell us your name, no details about your life, nothing. You. Are. A. Coward. That is what people learn when they come to this blog. I really hope you find your way to a good therapist. I think it would help you.