
Nie Nie Without Pity

Do you think the tone of Stephanie's blog has changed? Do you think she has veered from blogging about her struggles to blogging to promote products? Do you find her blog to be more of an advertisement than being a place to blog about her life?

     (photo courtesy)


  1. I think you are an abysmally ordinary person, with a little bit of jealousy towards an extraordinary woman.

    Check out her blog posts BEFORE the accident. The tone of the blog was relatively the same, except now it has grown through the extraordinary experiences Stephanie has had. Some positive and some negative, but she has always pulled through.

    Perhaps picking up her book would provide you with more of a story version of her life....as that is what the book was meant for.

    Also, the book did not come out when her darling daughter was born. She was at book signings still pregnant.

    Perhaps your blog should be called "Sour Grapes without a Fact Checker"

  2. I agree with Kelly. Get a life. I don't agree with everything Nie Nie thinks or does in life but she certainly has lived through a horrific experience and was open enough to share it with the world, the good, the bad, and even the not so brave moments. I know if I was as gorgeous as she was before the accident and had to wake up one day with the physical and emotional scars she had from her accident, I'd be throwing myself a few pity parties. If you don't like her blog, then stop reading it. Why do you feel the need to add to someone's misfortune? If she was really so pitiful, do you think she'd have the courage to move forward in life, keep blogging, have more kids, be in the public and write a book about it? You really just seem like an insecure jerk with nothing better to do than to bash someone else to make yourself feel better.

  3. I agree 100%. She is a shameless promoter of herself and any other sponsored crap. I read because its just so unreal its funny. And seriously...cant they ever just take normal pictures? Does every family event have to be professionally photographed??? Sickening. I would like to see her giving back. Helping other burn survivors. Not just raking in the cash from selling her story and flaunting her expensive taste. And maybe she could use a few more years of schooling...hope she had a good editor.

  4. You would have to be a sad person to write a blog with the full intention of looking for fault and criticizing another person. When your life is filled with hate towards others, the only person it puts down is yourself. Be careful. Filling your life with so much negativity will make you an ugly person.

    I admire nie nie for pulling through such a tragedy and for using her talents to lift others around her and try to make e world a better place.

  5. I don't view this blog as a place of jealousy or hatefulness but rather someone opening up a dialogue. NieNie isn't transparent in her work. She promotes the seemingly perfect Mormon ideal of what it means to be a wife and a mother when beneath the words she writes there is a sense of selfishness and disconnect. I followed NieNie before her accident and feel that what she writes now is nothing more than propaganda. Like another poster noted, seeing NieNie do some charity would be refreshing. Why not make generous contributions to those who are also struggling with similar tragedies? Perhaps highlight their causes? That would speak more to me about Christlike love than her current offerings.
